Thursday, February 20, 2014

Agarwood Tea Health Benefits

They had a “significant reduction in body weight”
It was proven to be used as a “prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders”
It was a Proven antibacterial agent
It was a Proven antipyretic (reduces body temperature thus reducing fever naturally)
It was a Proven analgesic (reduces pain naturally)
It was a Proven antioxidant agent (“Antioxidants offer a number of health benefits, and they have been touted as a possible preventative of diseases, ranging from cancer to Alzheimer’s. Research suggests that antioxidants can indeed be effective in preventing a number of age-related diseases”).
 More Agarwood Tea Health Benefits. Did you Know….
Agarwood Tea
Agarwood Tea Health Benefits Long Recognized is South East Asia
Agarwood Tea Leaves have been used for 100′s of years across South East Asia by traditional health practitioners and spiritualists alike.
While many of the Agarwood Tea Benefits have been proven and many are an intricate part of Eastern Healing. It seems that within nature, many of the solutions the solutions are found. We are pleased to offer products that are recognized in the Eastern parts of the world for their benefits, but yet to be integrated into the mainstream western world.
Agarwood Tea Health Benefits and Weight Loss
Drinking Agarwood Tea is most commonly drank for its detoxifying and weight loss properties. With statistics denoting that nearly 2/3 of North Americans are overweight, healthy initiatives are imperative to our longevity. Agarwood tea has been scientifically proven to help people lose weight.
To achieve the weight loss benefits of Agarwood Tea 6-8 cups of Agarwood Tea a Day (it may be drank hot or cold). After your morning coffee, simply replace all other beverages in your day with hot or cold Agarwood Tea.
Agarwood tea functions to improve your weight (which is an integral indicator of overall health) in 2 distinct and unique ways:
1) Detoxification: Agarwood tea is a natural detoxifier. Whether you are dieting or not, you have accumulated harmful neurotoxins in your body that need assistance to be eliminated! Mercury is one toxin that we accumulate through a variety of food sources that harms both our appearance and physiology. It degradates our skin resulting in premature aging AND causes neurological disorders.
2) Fat Flush: Agarwood tea helps the body to flush fat cells 100% naturally without chemicals additive. It helps to lubricate our digestive system and hydrate our body.
If you are drinking Agarwood tea as a part of your weight loss strategy, it works in conjunction with all of the healthy alternatives that you are making in your life.
What your diet plan is NOT telling you is that regardless of the positive changes you have made, your body is still clinging on to the effects of living an unhealthy lifestyle. Everyone needs to detoxify in order to remove the harmful chemicals that we have ingested over a lifetime of choices.
If you are looking to improve your health, Agarwood tea is the solution!
Drink your way to a Skinnier and Healthier YOU!
Agarwood Tea for Sale: Why Can’t I find it Agarwood Tea Locally???
This is a common question that is asked and the answer is simple: Agarwood tea is not well know in the Western World and so there are not any stores across North America that carry it (that we are aware of).
If you are interested in becoming a member of our team click here.
If you are interested in a wholesale purchase for local distribution, please
Asian Agarwood DOES ship world wide!
Agarwood Tea Traditional Health Benefits.
§  asthma
§  chronic fatigue
§  sexual dysfunction
§  anxiety
§  sleep disorders
§  weight reduction
§  detoxification
§  intoxication
§  constipation
§  elevated blood pressure
§  unstable blood sugar levels (such as diabetes)
§  skin disorders
§  premature aging
§  pulmonary care
§  circulatory problem
§  treatment of headaches
Agarwood Tea Health Benefits Explained:
Agarwood tea is meant to be drank on a daily basis in order to obtain and maintain long lasting health benefits.
The tea is a detoxifier that is a natural and safe way to flush and eliminate harmful toxins from your body.Whether you drink the tea hot or cold, you will receive the same health benefits
Many neurological disorders are caused by the accumulation of mercury in the body, which does not naturally expel. Mercury has also been linked to premature aging (which nobody wants). Agarwood removes mercury from your system, which reduces the risk of mercury related neurological disorders and works to prevent the aging of your skin.When your body eliminates toxins, this promotes healthy skin, free of blemishes.
Agarwood tea does not select what toxins it eliminates; it simply flushes your body of all of them which is a healthy property. As a result of this, many people use agarwood tea to eliminate hangovers, or reduce the feeling of intoxication. When the tea is drank during intoxication or during the aftermath, it works with your body to eliminate the alcohol in your system (yes alcohol is a toxin).
As a weight loss tool, Agarwood tea is a caffeine free way to increase energy levels thus making steps to obtain physical activity easier. It flushes your system to weighty toxins and works to eliminate excess body fat.
NOTE: you will notice that while consuming agarwood tea on a regular basis will increase the number of times and quantity that you urinate. This is expected and indicative of the Agarwood tea working with your body.
The flushing, detoxification that occurs as a result of drinking Agarwood tea lubricates bowels and enables the body to excrement.For centuries, Agarwood tea has been used to calm anxiety and sleep disorders. The aroma produced from the leaves has a natural calming effect that reduces symptoms of stress, thus enabling people to achieve longer and more restful sleeps.
The nutrients found in Agarwood tea leaves have also been used for pulmonary health. Naturally, Agarwood leaves increase the circulation of blood in your system (which is why it is also used to treat sexual dysfunction). When all areas of your body are in healthy circulation they are able to function correctly and provide you with natural, caffeine free energy.

1 comment:

Vy Tea said...

Very useful information, thanks you

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